Objectives of Management
Objectives of Management
(i) Organisational objectives : Survival, profit and growth
(ii) Social objectives : Using environment friendly methods of production, creating employment opportunities for the disadvantaged sections of the society, etc.
(iii) Personal objectives of employees : Competitive salary , growth, recognition, etc.
Objectives of management are as follows :-
1. ORGANISATIONAL OBJECTIVE - management is responsible 4 setting achieving objectives 4 the organisation.
➪ SURIVIVAL - management must strive to ensure the survival of the organisation.
➪ PROFIT - management has to ensure that the organisation makes profit.
➪ GROWTH - growth of a business can be measured in terms of sales volume, increase in the no.of employees, the no.of products or increase in capital investmant, etc.
2. SOCIAL OBJECTIVES - every organisation has a social obligation to fulfil.
3. PERSONAL OBJECTIVES - management has to reconcile personal goals with organisational objectives 4 harmony in the organisation.
Hope it helps
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