Observation of an adolescent
Confidential Material
The names used in this Adolescent Observation Report are fictitious. This is absolutely necessary to protect the privacy of the adolescent being observed.
Person observed: Mary Age: 18
Gender: Female
General description: about 5’2”, black hair, brown eyes, about 100 lbs.
Place of observation: at my work, World of Tile Company
Others present: Other co-workers
Cultural group: Chinese
Physical Development
Mary has reached her body height at 5’2”. Although, when she was younger she had to take growth hormones because she was not growing when the rest of her peers were. She was a very late developer and did not start puberty until she was 17.
Mary is very active in school activities such as clubs and …show more content…
She is the Captain of her tennis team and is constantly working to try to improve her abilities.
Similarities and Differences
Mary’s culture has not been very significant in her life. Although her parents sometimes speak Chinese in their home, they speak English as their primary language. Mary says that her parents sometimes celebrate Chinese traditions to bring some of their culture back into their busy lives. Mary’s Dad is a doctor, and her mom is a house wife who is starting a decorating business.
Integration of Observations
The Adolescence stage is the most complex of all of my other observations. From reading the text book, I have learned that these years are the most difficult years for people to experience. With all of the changes that occur during adolescence, I am amazed that I actually made it through (since it was only two years ago)!
Physical change is probably the most difficult change for a teenager. Because your body changes so much, it is often difficult for teenagers to be confident about the change. For Mary, she was self- conscious about her height, in which she began the hormones. Many people do not like their appearance at the start of puberty, but begin to accept the change in a positive way. In cognitive development, teenagers start to reason with their thinking and are able to grasp concepts better than when they were younger.