Biology, asked by Emmy6803, 11 months ago

Observation of sexual and asexual reproduction


Answered by PiyushSinghRajput1
asexual reproduction

It results in offspring that are genetically identical to each other and to the parent. All prokaryotes and some eukaryotes reproduce this way. There are several different methods of asexual reproduction. They include binary fission, fragmentation, and budding

Answered by Anonymous

\bold{\blue{Here\:is\:your\: answer\: }}

Observations on asexual and sexual stages in a strain of Stigeoclonium helveticum Vischer are presented. In cells of erect filaments, gametes can be produced after a cruciate, presumably meiotic process of division. Biflagellate iso-gametes of one clone are able to fuse and form smooth-walled zygotes. Zygotes germinate into filamentous juvenile plants in which the original zygote remains visible as an embryonic cell. The provisional conclusion drawn is that the life cycle is diplontic. Zoospore producing cells are formed after transverse divisions of vegetative cells. The observations are compared with data on other filamentous chaetophoralean algae as Draparnaldia, Draparnaldiopsis, and Fritschiella. In these genera zygotes germinate directly into filamentous plants, suggesting a diplontic type of life cycle. The recently discovered diplobiontic life history of Chaetophora may represent an original type from which the presumably diplontic types of the other genera could be derived.
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