Observation of tomato sauce
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b) Tomato Sauce/Ketchup
It is made from strained tomato juice or pulp and spices, salt, sugar and
vinegar, with or without onion and garlic, and contains not less than 12%
tomato solids and 25% total solids.
General considerations: About one-third of the sugar required is added at
the time of commencement of boiling to intensify and fix the red tomato
colour. If the whole quantity of sugar is added initially, the cooking time
will be longer and the quality of pulp will be adversely affected. Generally,
the sugar content in ketchups/sauces varies from 10-26%. On the other
hand, salt bleaches the colour of the tomato product. It is, therefore,
desirable to add it towards the end of the cooking process. Spices are
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