Observe and write about certain activities of your daily life which people consider good and which make you feel good.
1. Real beauty is the beauty of soul, this statement is true. People are more beautiful with by their hearts. We should have internal beauty with being our souls holy. We should not judge people by appearance but by their natures.
If our soul are beautiful people will like us and remember us even after our deaths but if we are not good to others they will not consider us good.
2. It is important that how we live not how long we live. A life with no goal makes no sense even if it of a hundreds of years. We should have our life good going not long. If we live long but not satisfied we will not be happy with our life. But if we would do something that satisfies ourselves ....our life will be good for us.
Like this you put up your own thoughts to the 3rd and 4th.
Hope it would help.!!!