English, asked by TbiaSamishta, 1 year ago

Observe in your village/locality where the water is being wasted, furnish the details in a table, discuss the reasons suggest the ways how water can be saved


Answered by Sidyandex

In my locality, the water wastage is high because people do not know how to save water.

With the detailed tables, I explained few ways to save water and avoid wastages.

Collect excess of water and use it wisely.

Always use only reliable water bottle and talk with others to save water and tell the importance.

Answered by AadilAhluwalia

the water is being wasted in the following -

  • water tank overflowing.
  • children playing unnecessarily with water.
  • running water while washing utensils.
  • leaky pipe
  • conventional toilets
  • Not repairing leaks in your home and maintaining  plumbing fixtures

water can be saved in the following ways-

  • stop running water taps
  • store rain water and utilize it in house work
  • check the plumbing
  • do check water usage while gardening
  • take less time while showering


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