Observe mother earth and atmosphere and write at least two examples of each geometrical concept given below on A4 sheet Point, ray, line segment, cube, cuboid, cone, cylinder, pyramid ,prism and triangle.
Step-by-step explanation: mother earth and mother nature is a beautiful thing pleasing to the eye. We can always relate this to our daily basis shapes.
A point can be defined as a smallest unit in a line which has no dimension. This can be compared to an electron. A fundamental part of an atom.
Line segment is an entity where it is straight line with two ends point. Any measurement stick can be compared to this.
Ray. A line with one endpoint. Other end is infinite. A light beam or water flowing from tap.
Cuboid is a square shaped 3d figure. A brick is a good example.
Cube is a cuboid with all sides of same length. Dice is a good example
A pointed hat or birthday party caps are identical to cones.
Cylinder: a vertical spherical base shape with height is cylinder that can resemble to any storage cans or jar. Drinking glasses often come in those shapes.
Pyramids: pyramids of Egypt are prime example. Chichen itza of Mexico is another.
Triangle: geometrically speaking triangle is the strongest shape of all. Hence many bridge uses this shape. You can find triangular structure in bridges