English, asked by pratheepreddy516, 9 months ago

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Answered by shrustihh7


In India, the system of a joint family hails from the Vedic times and was popular even when the kings ruled this land. Living in a joint family means adjusting with all the uncles, aunts, and cousins. But, growing up with a set of different individuals, sacrificing your needs for the happiness of a loved one, and fighting over little things, pretty much makes you ready for the world. Joint families still prevail in India, but the number has depleted. Let’s find out what are the pros and cons of living in a joint family.


A family is that ‘umbrella’ whose value is not realised until the stormy clouds loom over you. But, when you look up with a hope that someone will come to your rescue, the first silent approaching steps will be of your family members. This is ‘FAMILY’. You grow up together, learn together; agree-disagree; fight and make-up, move on in your lives, but in the end, when you need someone, you know your siblings and your family will be right there.

India has always been known for its rich culture, various languages, and for the system of living in a joint family. A joint family does not only mean a group of people living together, it means that these people are tied with a blood relation and choose to live in a single household for many reasons – sometimes out of will and sometimes because of compulsion.

Although the tradition of living in a joint family is shrinking with time, if you go in small cities and village of the country, where the roots of westernisation have still not touched, you will find many families living together as ‘one’ with a Basil/Tulsi plant in their yard. It might seem that you are watching a ’90s movie but it will be there.


With time the culture of living in a joint family is certainly plummeting in huge numbers, but why is that? Have you ever wondered why people now prefer living in nuclear families over a joint family? It is not just about privacy…there are many factors responsible, but are these reasons really justified? Does living alone or with just 2 people make you any happier?

5 Disadvantages of Living in a Joint Family

Nuclear families are the deal of the day, there are many reasons for that. Let’s get you acquainted with the cons of living in joint family. It will present a better picture to let you decide if you want to settle for it or not:


1. Privacy is Compromised

Lack of privacy is a common complaint among people who live in a joint family. You are never alone. If you are distressed and want to be alone and cry to let it out, you’d prefer crying in your bed and telling your sad stories to your pillow. But that’s not possible if you are living in a joint family. Everyone knows everything about all the members of the family and this leads to interference in daily matters. More often than not, this interference is not appreciated and people end up hiding things so that others mind their own business. You will always be surrounded by people and they will try to help you for your sake, but sometimes it gets too much.



2. A small Decision Runs by Everyone

The problem of living in a joint family is even a small decision has to go through and get a green signal by every member of the family, particularly the head of the family. Whether it is about going out after 7 at night or a sleepover at a friend’s place. Sometimes, even trivial matters are given so much attention that it annoys you.


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