observe the figure and answer the following . a) what is the figure related to ? b) what is the process of production of fuel ? c) why is the process shown in figure important ? d) which fuels are obtained from this process ? e) write a paragraph on Saving fuel is need of the hour?
The given figure shows different modes of asexual reproduction-
Figure (a), (c) shows- binary fission and figure (b) shows multiple fission, and figure (d) shows budding.
(II) All these organisms are a unicellular organism and all the life processes occur through a single cell like respiration digestion etc.
(III) Parent cell is important for the reproduction process, as well as the parent organism, is important for the continuation of the generation of an organism.
(IV) These are all the types of asexual reproduction. In asexual reproduction involvement of single parent takes place whereas in sexual reproduction involvement of two-parent organism takes place. In this type of reproduction, offspring is the identical copy of their parent. Whereas in sexual reproduction an offspring differ from their parents.