Physics, asked by hollasavitha75, 8 months ago

Observe the following resistivity table and answer the following
Metal. resistivity
A 10×10 -4m
B. 9×10-8m
C. 8.9×10 8m
D. 6×10 -8m
What is the change in Resistance having the area of cross section is same with different length ?
Which is the best conductor these ?
The length of the conductor 'A is3cm and its resistence is 3 and length of the
conductor is 4. What is the ratio of an area of cross section of A and D?​


Answered by vinay837427




i know answer but stil live as a

  1. +34
Answered by ariston

Resistance is given by:

R=\rho \frac{l}{A}

The resistivity of a material does not changes with area.

Resistance is directly proportional to length. Thus, for a different length having same area of cross section, the resistance would change.

Conductivity is inversely related to resistivity. The material with lowest resistivity would have highest conductivity. Thus, D is the best conductor.

Ratio of area of cross section of A and D:

\frac{A_A}{A_D} =\frac{\rho_A l_AR_D}{\rho_D l_DR_A}\\\frac{A_A}{A_D} =\frac{10\times 10^{-4}\times 0.03 \times R_D}{6\times 10^{-8}\times 0.04\times 3\Omega}=4.167\times 10^3 R_D

Learn more about: Resistance and resistivity


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