Biology, asked by tutorialking6, 1 month ago

Observe the given diagram and answer the given questions:

a. Observe the diagram and label it.
b. How are we able to see in dim and bright light?
c. What is the work of ring shaped muscles present in the diagram?
d. Why the birds wake up with sunrise and sleep in the resting place by sunset?​



Answered by pratibhakushwaha2424


answer b When there is bright light a smaller opening in the eye—or a smaller pupil—protects the back of the eye from getting damaged. In dim light the pupils dilate to allow as much light in as possible.

answer c The ciliary muscle is an intrinsic muscle of the eye formed as a ring of smooth muscle in the eye's middle layer (vascular layer). It controls accommodation for viewing objects at varying distances and regulates the flow of aqueous humor into Schlemm's canal.

answer d Eyes have cones and rods in the retina. Rods are sensitive to the intensity of light, and cones are sensitive to colours. Birds have a large number of rod cells that help them to detect the intensity of light. Thus, birds wake up early, and go to sleep early.

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