Observe the tree diagram of types of disease and write a paragraph on it
Types of diseases
The given tree chart provides the classification of diseases on the basis of their nature i.e. communicable and non-communicable diseases. Communicable diseases are characterized as the diseases that can be spread or transmitted to others through air, water, etc. while non-communicable diseases cannot transmit as it is either genetical or develop due to unhealthy lifestyle.
The chart also demonstrates types of communicable and non-communicable diseases caused through various sources like contaminated water, air, or food may cause Typhoid, Influenze, or Dysentry respectively while the key reasons for non-communicable diseases are faulty eating habits causing obesity, diabetes, etc. and faulty lifestyle leading to stress or Hypertension. Thus, it educates the readers about such classification and distinction between the two.
Learn more: types of disease
Different people from different cities and countries dwell in different types of houses. What type of a house needs to be built depends on various factors which include climatic conditions of a place, availability of space, infrastructural facilities available and many other reasons. Houseboats in Kashmir were primarily built because of historical reasons. The Kings during the British rule did not allow foreigners to build houses in Kashmir. However, the foreigners were so mesmerized by the beauty of Kashmir, they built houseboats to reside. Since then people in Kashmir reside in houseboats. In extremely cold places, climatic conditions have inspired people to build igloos. Eskimos reside in igloos. Snow insulates the house and helps in keeping it warm. The snow air pockets help in maintaining the temperature. People living in the jungles of Africa build their houses on trees to safeguard themselves and the food stored by them from animals. These African tribesmen build their houses on a level which is out of reach of animals. There are also some nomadic tribes in the world who do not build permanent houses. They roam from one place to another in search of food. These tribesmen live in tents which can be carried with them wherever they go. These tents are lightweight and handy to enable the people from these tribes to roam around easily. Coming to big cities, people build skyscrapers to reside. The main reason for building these high rise buildings is shortage of space. Since big cities are advanced and have more employment opportunities, people from villages, towns and small cities migrate to big cities in search for work. They then permanently settle here. With the population increasing in big cities it is inevitable to build multi-stored buildings. A high rise building can accommodate hundreds of families whereas earlier in the same plot of land there were only a couple of houses.