Science, asked by bhavanavishalvora, 5 months ago

Obtain information about the methods that
are used to separate the Components of the
mixture while making jaggery or


Answered by Rameshjangid


Clarification process is used to separate the components of the mixture while making jaggery or the sugar.


Jaggery (Gur)

Manufacturing of Jaggery is from sugar cane accompanied with the aid of using explanation and attention method. It is uncentrifuged sugar (i.e., without separation of molasses) with minimal sucrose 70 to 80% with the aid of using mass. It is likewise referred to as as Gur.

Main steps in jaggery making method:

  • Extraction of Juice
  • Clarification of juice
  • Concentration of juice

1. Extraction of Juice:

Generally 3 curler turbines used for juice extraction. It is pushed with the aid of using electric motor or diesel engine. This extraction of juice is inside the variety of 60 to 70%. After extraction of juice, suspended topics are eliminated with the aid of using cotton fabric mesh display.

2. Clarification of juice:

a) The sugar juice carries colloidal matter, inorganic salts, fiber, numerous nitrogenous materials, lipids, gums, wax natural acid, inorganic acid, pectin etc. All those impurities eliminated completely or in part on this explanation method.

b) In the explanation method typically used kinds of clarificants are used they may be organic Clarificants and inorganic Clarificants.

c) The display juice taken in open pan and firing begins often involved slowly in order that dissolved air escaped and gummy, colloidal materials get coagulated with the aid of using the including of clarificants as consistent with requirement. It comes at pinnacle floor of the juice understand as scum and it's far eliminating continuously . In this method temperature requirement is 70°C to 800°C.

d) First delivered vegetable beginning concurrently small amount of lime water is delivered to lessen the acidity of juice however now no longer to the volume to make juice neutrals due to the fact flavor and color of gur produced may be inferior. In this lime method pH maintained 6.2 to 6.5. In a few instances first rate phosphate. P2O5, and 0.25% focused hydrous electricity also are delivered to gain true color of Gur (jaggery). While juice temperature growing scum is eliminated with the aid of using perforated strainers.

3. Concentration of juice:

After explanation finished with the aid of using full of life boiling, temperature of boiling mass is round a 110 to 115°C and boiling takes approximately two to few hours. The degree at which semi fluid cloth is fashioned then it's far transferred square containers or Bucket form containers as consistent with requirement. This mass is authorized to chill for stable shape.

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