English, asked by aditigupta6c, 7 months ago

octopus or spider and write all the the parts of speech in their tantacles


Answered by Hansika4871

There are 8 parts of speech in English grammar. They are:

1. Nouns

2. Pronouns

3. Adjectives

4. Verbs

5. Adverbs

6. Prepositions

7. Conjunctions and

8. Interjections


Noun names a person, place, thing, or any concept.

Examples are Roy, Kashmir, Book, etc.


It is a word used in front of specific nouns to refer to them.

Examples are: Anil is a good boy. He wakes early in the morning.

Here, He is the pronoun that is used to refer to Anil.


These are the words that are used to describe nouns.

Examples are: I have a blue pen

The color blue describes the noun pen.


Verbs are the words that describe the actions.

Examples: He is running

Running is the word done by him


Adverbs describe the adjective or verb or another adverb

For example, She entered the room quietly.

Quietly is describing how she entered to room.


These are the words that are placed between the other words.

For example, Kiran left his bike leaning against the wall.

against is the preposition because it tells us where the bike is.


Conjunctions make complex sentences into simple sentences.

For example, I like pizza. I like burgers. I don't like noodles, with help of conjunctions we can write it as I like pizza and burgers but not noodles.


A, An, The are called articles, which are used in a sentence to describe the noun.

For example, A mango. The house. An exciting experience.


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