Social Sciences, asked by unmaydas, 1 year ago

odia essay on spring season


Answered by somabhaipatel2411952


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Answered by Anonymous

Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Spring Season

Essay No. 01

Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

The Spring Season

Essay No. 01

Spring the most pleasant season in India. In this season everybody feel happy after the intense cold of winter. We all take interest in outdoor life. The whole earth wears a green dress and comes to life again.

In the spring season nature is kind. It gives us pleasure and joy. The trees once more look refresh and lovely. They regain their lost leaves. The birds were silent in winter, now they sing songs. They thank god with their lovely notes. Nature gives a grand feast to our hungry eyes. It invites us to come out and take part in the joy of the world. It presents a lovely sight for our hungry eyes. We get new strength in the spring season. The cool breeze invites us to come into the open. Buds of flowers peep to see the beautiful sight of nature. Flowers spread their sweet smell in all directions. They fill us with pleasure. It is season of marriages and feasts. It is this when this earth was honored by the birth of Shri Ram Chandra. It was again in spring that the coronation of Ramji actually took place. Hence the spring season may be called the kind of season. 12 اور گریجویشن اور دیگر کلاسز۔

بہار کا موسم

مضمون نمبر 01

بھارت میں سب سے زیادہ خوشگوار موسم بہار۔ اس موسم میں ہر شخص سردی کی شدید سردی کے بعد خوشی محسوس کرتا ہے۔ ہم سب لیتے ہیں kind of season.کلاس 12 اور گریجویشن اور دیگر کلاسز۔

بہار کا موسم

مضمون نمبر 01

بھارت میں سب سے زیادہ خوشگوار موسم بہار۔ اس موسم میں ہر شخص سردی کی شدید سردی کے بعد خوشی محسوس کرتا ہے۔ ہم سب لیتے ہیں

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