of (B) SummARY WRITING · Read the passage poisoning food were the summary gron Pre Q. 4wonite it. suggeest. 'n Suitable fittle to your Summary - a .
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buenos porque yo no se
Answer:e what we eat. The type of food we eat has both immediate and long-term
effect on us, at all the three levels - the body, the mind and the spirit. Food which
is tamasik (i.e. stale or leftover) in nature is bound to generate stress as it tends to
upset the normal functioning of the human body. Taking piping hot tea or milk or
steaming hot food, whenever available, must be preferred. Excessive use of spices
also disturbs one's usually calm attitude. Further, it is a mistaken belief that
smoking or drinking, even in moderation, relieves stress. Simple meals with one
or two food items, rather than too many lavish dishes, are advisable. Thus,
vegetarian diet is preferable. Although it is customary to serve fruits with food, it
is not the right thing to do. This is because different kind of digestive secretions
are produced by the stomach for variant foods. Mixing up top many varieties of
food items at one meal creates unavoidable problems for the digestive system. In
fact, anyone type of fruit, preferably taken in the morning, is better.
2 On an average, we eat almost three to four times the quantity of food than we
actually need. A lot of body's energy is used up for digesting the excess food. It is
said that after a particular level of food intake, the 'food actually eats one up'.
3 It is always good to eat a little less than your 'full-stomach' capacity. Besides,
never eat food unless you are really hungry. Having dinner at 8 or 9 pm, after a
heavy snack at 5 or 6 pm in the evening is asking for trouble. In fact, skipping an
odd meal is always good if the stomach is upset. There are varying views on the
benefits o fasting, but we will not discuss them here. However, giving a break to
one's stomach, at least once a week, by having only fruit or milk, etc. may be
worth trying. While a little bit of water taken with meals is all right, drinking 30 to
60 ml water with food is not advisable. Water, taken an hour or so before or after
meals, is good for digestion.
4 One's diet must be balanced with all the required nutrients for a healthy living.
Also remember, excess of everything is bad. Related to the problem of stress,
excessive intake of salt is definitely out. Too much of sugar, fried food and chilies
are not good either. Overindulgence and excessive craving for a particular taste or
type of food generates rajasik (aggressive) or at worst, tamasik (dull) tendencies.
An even more important aspect of the relationship between food and stress lies not
so much in what or how much we eat but how the food is taken. For example,
food eaten in great hurry or in a state of anger or any other negative state of mind
is bound to induce stress. How the food is served is also very important. Not only
the presentation, cutlery, crockery, etc. play a role, the love and affection with
which the food is served is also significant. Finding faults with food while it is
being eaten is the worst habit. It is better not to eat the food you do not like, rather
than finding fault with it. It is good to have regular food habits. Workaholics who
do not find time to eat food at proper mealtimes are inviting stomach ulcers. One
must try to enjoy one's food, and therefore, eating at the so-called lunch or dinner
meetings is highly inadvisable. Every morsel of food should be enjoyed with a
totally peaceful state of mind. Food and discussions should not be mixed.
6 There are accepted ways to 'charge' the food we eat. Prayer is perhaps 'the best
method for energizing the food and it will do some definite additional good at no
extra cost.
1. How does tamasik food influence the person?
a. Generates stress
b. Makes a person energetic
c. Generate large amount of energy
d. Make a person bold
2. What are the mistaken belief people practices at the table?
a. Smoking helps to digest
b. Smoking of drinking even in moderation relieves stress
c. Pickles add the taste
d. Condiments help to enhance appetite
3. Why does the writer say that food actually eats one up?
a. Digestive system takes too much time
b. Excessive intake of food takes a lot of body‘s energy to digest it
c. Food sustains the body
d. It makes the person healthy
4. What generates rajasik & tamasik tendencies?
a. Over indulgence of fried food
b. Too much use of spicy food
c. Over indulgence and excessive craving for a particular taste
d. Excess of everything
5. Where does the root cause of stress generated by food lie in?
a. How much we eat
b.What we eat?
c.How the food is taken?
d.Because of irregular food habit.
6. What does ―induce‖ mean?
a. Reduce
b. Cause influence
c. Aggressive
d. To intake
7. What is the importance of serving food properly?
8. How is our way of eating related to stress?
9. Why is serving fruits with food not advisable?
10. Find words from the passage which mean the same as: