Chemistry, asked by sam7539, 7 months ago

of each period
() How many periods are called long periods? How many elements are in a long period?
(0) How many periods are called very long periods? How many clements are in the complete 'very long
3. (a) What do you understand by the term group as applied to the long form of the periodic table?
(h) How many groups are in the long form of the periodic table?
3. Metallic properties change to non-metallic properties as one moves from left to right in a period Explain
(a) Rigger the atomio volume, more metallic is an clement. Explain.
(h) Name: (1) the most metallic element (11) the most non-metallic element
5. Write the names of all the elements in the ascending order of their atomic volume for (a) group 1 (IA) elements
(b) group 17 (VIIA) clements
(a) What do you understand by the term electronegativity?
(b) Write the names of all the elements in the third period of the long form of the periodic table.
7. Amongst the elements given in the list below, pick out the elements which are :
(i) most electropositive (ii) most electronegative (mi) noble gases.
1. Be B C N O F Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P. S. Cl. Ar. K, Ca.
& How is the atomie volume of sodium related to (1) magnesium (ii) potassium?
9. Arrange the following sets of elements in the increasing order of their atomic volume.
(a) K Li. Na
(b) 0. C. N.
10. Pick out the element having the smallest size from the list given below. Give a reason for your answer:
Na, Cl. Si, Ar.
11. Explain, why halogens have a very strong electron affinity
12. Explain, why reducing power of elements increase, on moving down a group.
13. Explain, why reducing power of elements decrease, on moving from left to right in a period.
fodern Periodic Table and Periodic Properties​


Answered by sonuy97304


(1)2periods are called long period .18 elements are in a long period .

(2).2 periods are called very long period .32 elements are in the complete very long period .

(3) a.There are eighteen vertical columns called groups in the modern periodic table .

b.18 groups are in the long form of the periodic table .

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