English, asked by markaaarthi120991, 1 month ago

of pleasure, instruction and inspiration. So long as he has his beloved books, he need never feel lon
He always has a pleasant occupation of leisure moments, so that he need never feel bored. He is th
possessor of wealth more precious than gold. Ruskin calls books" Kings Treasures" - treasuries fille
with gold and silver and precious stones, but with riches more valuable than these - knowledge, nob
thoughts and high ideals. Poor indeed is the man who does not read, and empty is his life. The bles
which the reading habit confers on its possessors are many, provided we choose the right kind of be
Reading gives the highest kind of pleasure. Some books are read simply for pleasure and amuseme
example, good novels. Novels and fiction must have their place in everybody's reading. When the br
weary with serious study, it is a healthy recreation to lose ourselves in some absorbing story written
master hand.
But to read nothing but books of fiction is like eating nothing but cakes and sweetmeats. As we need
wholesome, balanced diet for the body, so do we need serious reading for the mind. And here we ca
choose according to our taste. There are many other genres like history, autobiography, philosophy,
religion, travelogue. Reading poetry gives us noble thoughts and beautiful imaginings clothed in love
and musical language.
Books are the most faithful of friends. They have more patience than any of our friends. They are ne
cross, or unwilling to converse, as our friends sometimes are. No wonder a reader becomes a book le​


Answered by aksharasonkamble24


Hope it will help you Mark me as BRIANLIST please

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