English, asked by virchop, 8 months ago

in 1519, the Spanish Hernian Cortes saw a drink called chocolati
served in golden cups to Montezuma, the godlike ruler of the
Aztecs. Cortes also saw how the drink was prepared from cacao
beans, and when he returned to Spain in 1528 he took a supply
with him. Christopher Columbus had sent some cacao beans to
Spain in 1528 he took a supply with him. Christopher Columbus
had sent some cacao beans to Spain in 1502 but, the secret of
their preparation being unknown, they aroused no interest.
The drink made from Cortes beans was bitter, but when it was
sweetened with sugar it became popular among Spanish
nobility. They managed to keep the expansive beverage a court
secret until 1606, when it reached Italy. It became popular in
France after a Spanish princess married the French king in 1615.
A Frenchman began selling chocolate bars in London in 1657,
and in about 1700 someone in England improved chocolate by
adding milk to it. However, chocolate was enjoyed almost
exclusively as a drink until the nineteenth century because
heavy duties made it expensive. In 1847, the English firm of Fry
and Sons (which later merged with Cadbury's) began to Mass
produce chocolate bars, M.D. Peter in Switzerland began
making milk chocolate on a commercial scale in 1875.
The flavour that make it so appealing, is the result of elaborate
processes and numerous additives. More than 3,000 years ago
in Central America the Maya and other people began to


Answered by VanshKalariya


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