English, asked by TheLionKing786, 11 months ago

Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.

What did the poet keep for another day?
What does the poet mean by ‘how way leads to way’?
Why did the poet doubt that he would ever come back?
Where was the poet going?

Pls answer this question. It's urgent​


Answered by AadityaSabharwal


a) The poet kept the road most travelled by for another day.

b) The poet meant to insinuate that once we make a choice in life, it will take us down a path which will subsequently lead us to have to make more choices.

c) Once the poet has made so many more choices and has gone down the chosen path, it would be difficult or impossible to reverse things and come back to go down the other path.

d) The poet was making a choice in his life which would presumably make a big difference in his future. The choices are symbolised as pathways, down which the poet was going.

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