English, asked by hiteshsainiforever, 25 days ago

OI Write a precis of the following
The use of leaded gasoline in vehicles designed for unleaded can increase tailpipe emissions 200
to 100 percent, the EPA has determined. More than one million tons of hydrocarbons and 12
million tons of carbon monoxide were spewed from the tailpipes
of cares with detective emission control systems during fiscal year 1983. Studies show that most
people who engage in hiel switching do so to save money about seven cents a gallon, however,
these people are victims of faulty economics, according to Joe Cannon, EPA assistant
administrator for Air and Radiation, Afein the long run, the use of leaded gas in the car will
more quickly loul the spark plugs, wear out the exhaust system, degrade the oil, and foul the
oxygen sensor in new cars, in addition to ruining the catalytic converter, he said, Cannon
estimated that people who substitute lended for unleaded gasoline will end up paying twelve
cents a gallon in extra maintenance and repairs,
(From Autos and Air ) 10 Marks​


Answered by hamedateilawai55


Leaded gasoline can increase emissions of tailpipe 200 to 100 percent in unleaded vehicles. During 1983 the tailpipes of detective-emission control systems were used to spew over one million tons of hydrocarbons and 12 million tons of carbohydrate monoxide. Most people switch to unleaded gas save around 7 cents a gallon of money.

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