ऑप्टिकल फाइबर का कंप्यूटर में क्या उपयोग है
प्लीज बताओ
hey mate
here is your answer :)
— the use of optical fiber in field of computers is a
topic of recent research interest. The world of computing is likely
to change rapidly in near future on replacing the metal wiring
between components in conventional computers with faster and
more efficient fiber-optic links. Optical fiber has immense
capability to transport signals having much larger information,
over much longer distances at much higher speed than the copper
wire link can do. The principle of working of optical fiber along
with the parameters affecting and benefits of optical fiber
communication are presented. Limitations of Von Neumann
architecture and metal wire interconnection in conventional
computers system are presented along with how they are got rid of
by employing fiber optics interconnection in optical computers.
Applications of optical fibers in the field of computers including
PC to PC communication, computer network, internet and optical
computing are covered. The development of optical transmitters
and receivers circuit for transmitting and receiving 0-10 V analog
signal in optical fiber cable is presented, which shows a close
match between input signal transmitted and output signal