old man at bridge deals with the common people and their victimzation.critically comment
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The old man at the bridge deala with the common people and their victimisation as wars and battles are always detrimental for any civilisation and are the reason for the doom of many civilisations. Aparently there is a winner and a loser in every battle or war but the ultimate loser is the common man who loses the most of whatever he has with him,i.e,their house ,money,etc.In this story 'The old man at the bridge' ,war is not represented or narrated from the information that fascists artillery forces are approaching and the people of the town of san carlos are asked to vacate the town ,their jomes,their everything and go to a safer place like barcelona,etc.Here the old man represents the humanitarian attitude as he is only used to show sympathy towards his animals all the time whereas the war symbolizes bloodshed,killin,insecurity,etc.For the conclusion i would say that yes,'the old man at the bridge' deals with common man's victimisation as several people had to leave san carlos(where they had everything,i.e., their home, money,etc.)and move to barcelona or other safer places to save their lives from the enemies due to which they got troubled.
thank you very much you have helped me for my project its a twenty mark project !!!!!!!!!!!! once again thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!
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