Old proverbs made new all answers
Old proverbs made new all answers Summary.
Old proverbs Made New is written by Stephen Leacock. He says that he was thinking that someone should rewrite our national proverbs since they are old now. They do not fit in our world anymore. In fact, many of the old proverbs are opposite to the new world facts. He says that our old proverbs come from the old days when people never went out of their village when they did not stop after a mile and a half from their home when they were afraid of the dark and when wisdom was connected to the old men only but things have changed to a lot now. So we need to rewrite old proverbs that will go with our new wold.
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Give the summary of chapter old proverbs made new?
why does the speaker think that old progress should be rewritten do you agree with him why or why not?