French, asked by akkichandana, 7 months ago

On a des bal masqués


Answered by anukrititiwari04

A masquerade ball (or bal masqué) is an event in which many participants attend in costume wearing a mask. (Compare the word "masque"—a formal written and sung court pageant.) Less formal "costume parties" may be a descendant of this tradition. A masquerade ball usually encompasses music and dancing. These nighttime events are used for entertainment and celebrations.[1]

Answered by kalyaniramesh1210


Un bal masqué, parfois nommé aussi mascarade, est un événement auquel les gens participent vêtus d'un costume ou déguisement, comportant normalement un masque. Différent d'un simple défilé ou d'un carnaval, il est l'occasion de danses lors d'un véritable bal.

On en trouve trace dès le Moyen Âge, dans la noblesse, où les costumes ont souvent un sens allégorique complexe ; les manifestations de ce genre sont particulièrement prisées à la cour des ducs de Bourgogne.

A masked ball, sometimes also called a masquerade, is an event in which people participate dressed in a costume or disguise, normally comprising a mask. Different from a simple parade or a carnival, it is the occasion for dances during a real ball.

We find traces of it from the Middle Ages, in the nobility, where the costumes often have a complex allegorical meaning; events of this kind are particularly popular at the court of the Dukes of Burgundy.

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