on a physical map of the subcontinent, identify the areas in which tribal people may have lived.
Who were Tribal People?
Contemporary historians and travellers give very
scanty information about tribes. A few exceptions
apart, tribal people did not keep written records. But
they preserved rich customs and oral traditions. These
were passed down to each new generation. Present-
day historians have started using such oral traditions
to write tribal histories.
Tribal people were found in almost every region of
the subcontinent. The area and influence of a tribe
varied at different points of time. Some powerful tribes
controlled large territories. In Punjab, the Khokhar
tribe was very influential during the thirteenth and
fourteenth centuries. Later, the Gakkhars became more
important. Their chief, Kamal Khan Gakkhar, was
made a noble (mansabdar) by Emperor Akbar. In
Multan and Sind, the Langahs and Arghuns dominated
extensive regions before they were subdued by the
Mughals. The Balochis were another large and powerful