English, asked by sachinmahale00, 8 months ago

on compus job for essay


Answered by ruchipharasi205


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Answered by prettyishu


Part-time job for students: It is a good idea to work part-time, but I truly think that there is no problem working part-time with students at the same time. To be honest, students can work part-time in front of high school if students have sufficient time and resources. This is a very good idea. Responsible students and responsible students have nothing to relax, but they can gain all the benefits from finding a job. There are several important points that can prove that part-time job is a wonderful concept, I would like to point out.

There are good and bad aspects, and there are many discussions about students and part-time jobs. Part - time jobs may take time away from school, and that is true, but students working from 10 to 15 hours a week during the grade will get higher grades than those who do not. I strongly encourage students to work part-time. Since they teach time management, responsibility and adapt students to the world of work, students work well in part time. Part time work for students helps educate young people with good time management. To force a way to organize the plan, school schedule, and work schedule and comply with a stable schedule as scheduled, and other experiences (preferably through part-time jobs) that can teach the results of that method I will learn how. I am personally working part-time; I am working at the farm at 6 am every week. In addition to time management, part-time jobs teach student's responsibility

Students working part-time will learn how to take responsibility. Steve Jobs attributed his success in the work world to his part-time job at McDonald's when he was young. Part - time work implements tasks and completes tasks for students, giving them obligations and duties responsible for their actions. Students will learn to better handle their time and money when they are young, as they face part-time job provision and requirement responsibility. Unlike school, part-time work requires a test-based idea; like a school, students can quit because of being late or absent, students face wages and even dismiss at work there is. Serious and open results - Young people learn to take responsibility for everything. This responsibility adapts young people to the world of work. In addition to teaching time management and responsibility, part-time jobs adapt young people to the world of work

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