On dividing 2121 as well as 624 by a 3 digit number N, we get the same remainder. What is the sum of the digits of N?
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The symbol '' stands for the product of numbers.
We know that this equation is always true,
which is called the division algorithm. And,
is the dividend.
is the divisor.
is the quotient.
is the remainder.
Hence, we get two equations for ,
Subtracting two equations we get,
According to the division algorithm, 1497 is divided by without any remainder. Hence,
is a factor of 1497.
The factorization of 1497 is .
For the factor, to be a three-digit,
The required number is 499. Hence, the sum of the three-digit number is 22.
Both numbers have the same remainder, 125. Hence, it is verified that is indeed 499.
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Step-by-step explanation:
given :
- On dividing 2121 as well as 624 by a 3 digit number N, we get the same remainder. What is the sum of the digits of N?
to find :
- What is the sum of the digits of N?
solution :
- A=BQ + R
two number of N:
- 2121 = NA + R
- 624 = NB +R
subtract number :
- 2121 - 624= NA- NB + R-R
- 1497 = (A - B)N
factor of N :
- 3. 499 = 499
- 2121= 499 . 4 + 125
- 624 = 499 .1 + 125
- hence, the number N, we get the same remainder = 499
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