Math, asked by harmeetvirk, 3 months ago

On dividing 2121 as well as 624 by a 3 digit number N, we get the same remainder. What is the sum of the digits of N?​


Answered by user0888




The symbol '\cdot' stands for the product of numbers.


We know that this equation is always true,

\implies A=BQ+R

which is called the division algorithm. And,

  • A is the dividend.
  • B is the divisor.
  • Q is the quotient.
  • R is the remainder.

Hence, we get two equations for N,



Subtracting two equations we get,

\implies 2121-624=NA-NB+R-R


According to the division algorithm, 1497 is divided by N without any remainder. Hence, N is a factor of 1497.

The factorization of 1497 is 3\cdot499.

For the factor, N to be a three-digit,


The required number N is 499. Hence, the sum of the three-digit number is 22.




Both numbers have the same remainder, 125. Hence, it is verified that N is indeed 499.

Answered by esuryasinghmohan

Step-by-step explanation:

given :

  • On dividing 2121 as well as 624 by a 3 digit number N, we get the same remainder. What is the sum of the digits of N?

to find :

  • What is the sum of the digits of N?

solution :

  • A=BQ + R

two number of N:

  • 2121 = NA + R

  • 624 = NB +R

subtract number :

  • 2121 - 624= NA- NB + R-R

  • 1497 = (A - B)N

factor of N :

  • 3. 499 = 499

  • 2121= 499 . 4 + 125

  • 624 = 499 .1 + 125

  • hence, the number N, we get the same remainder = 499

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