On duties of citizens and how one can inspire everyone to become more dutiful citizens
Below are some points on how to inspire everyone to be dutiful citizen.
- As a citizen of a free nation we all have fundamental rights. But along with fundamental rights, there are some fundamental duties as well.
- Many of us don’t know the article 51A of Constitution of India.
- We need to inspire everyone to read this article to know more about how to be a dutiful citizen by respecting National Anthem, respecting National Flag, Promoting harmony and brotherhood and many other duties.
Duties of citizens and how one can inspire others to be dutiful citizens:
When a person becomes ideal citizen only when he/she is inspired by their family and their teacher. A person is need to be inspired from young age to make a difference in them.
During young age, the grasping capability is more. When a child is said not to cheat or not to steal or not to lie from young age in an intellect way, he/she always feels guilty if they steal or lie or cheat. This one good quality leads to another good quality.
When a person has a good quality, he/she becomes friends and have relationship with people who have good quality. When that child grown into a young adult then he/she will inspire more children.
It forms a good group and society of people. Inspiration is a duty of good citizen, being good and minding ones own business is the only way to inspire other.