English, asked by shovelushijo, 11 months ago

On his Blindness poem is a religious poem .If so,state the reasons​


Answered by yuvathilagan


On His Blindness is a poem in which Milton reflects on his faith as he is turning blind. 'On His Blindness' centers on Milton's faith in God as he is losing his sight. The poem is a sonnet that uses figurative language to express Milton's fear, frustration, and acceptance.

John Milton's poem, "On His Blindness," is an example of a Petrarchan sonnet and follows the rhyme scheme ABBAABBA CDECDE.

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Answered by payalchatterje


Yes this is a religious poem.


This poem is a religious poem and moral poem also . Full poem is oriented God.Here Poet described his relationship with God. Form this poem we learn that timely consecration and dedication to God.After lost his eye sight,He felt he could have better used his eyesight.The poet is describing that God expect faith and patience more that great works from his followers.

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