on hot summer days we do not seem to produce as much urine as we would otherwise. Give reason. ans Plzzzzzz frnds
Most of the water in our body is excreted in the form of sweat due to the heat. In winters, we don't sweat thus we have the urge to urinate more often.
Cold diuresis
In cold weather, your body tries to keep your core warm by constricting your blood vessels and reducing the flow of blood to your skin. This process is called vasoconstriction. It is necessary because heat is lost from your skin to the environment, so your body tries to reduce the flow of blood to your extremities, especially your fingers and toes.
The constricted blood vessels cause your blood pressure to rise, because the same amount of blood has less space to flow through. To regulate your blood pressure, your kidney filters out some of the excess fluid from your blood, to reduce its volume. As your bladder fills up with the excess fluid, you feel the urge to pee. A full bladder is another way that your body loses heat, so urinating immediately helps preserve your core warmth.
The reverse happens in summer
This entire process gets reversed in summer, and is known as vasodilation. Your body tries to cool itself by dissipating heat through your skin, in a process we are all too familiar with: sweating. As the external temperature rises, your blood vessels dilate, so that your blood flow is increased. As your blood comes in contact with the surface of your skin, the excess water from your blood evaporates, cooling your skin