On Monday, buses leave the bus station at 20 minutes interval starting at 0800 hours. The last bus leaves at 1740 hours. How many times do buses leave the station on that day?
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Answer by stanbon(75887) (Show Source): You can put this solution on YOUR website!
Bus A runs every 8 minutes, Bus B runs every 10 minutes, and Bus C runs every 12 minutes. If all three buses leave the station at 8:00 a.m., when is the next time all three buses leave the station at the same time?
Find the least common multiple of 8,10,12.
8 = 2^3
10 = 2*5
12 = 3*2^2
lcm = 2^3*3*5 = 120
120 min = 2 hrs.
Ans: 10:00 am
Stan H.
a.9:00 am
b.10:00 am
c.11:00 am
d.12:00 pm
e.1:00 pm
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