on the bases of nor marbles nor the gilded monuments explain "pen is nighter than the sword"
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*The poet says that pen is stronger than the sword.
*he said that art is immortal and it cannot be destroyed by anyone.
*he also said in his poem that time destroys everything including the beautiful monuments but it cannot destroy art.
*from this we can conclude that with a pen we can even construct that could not be destroyed by time .
*but sword destroys everything and time destroys the sword.
*he said that art is immortal and it cannot be destroyed by anyone.
*he also said in his poem that time destroys everything including the beautiful monuments but it cannot destroy art.
*from this we can conclude that with a pen we can even construct that could not be destroyed by time .
*but sword destroys everything and time destroys the sword.
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"Pen is mightier than sword" is well depicted in a William Shakspeare's sonnet 'Neither marble nor gilded monuments'.
It's well known that materialistic things come to an end, they don't really last forever. All the worldly power, glory and grandeur fade away with the passage of time. All gold plated monuments, statues etc. and beautiful works of masonry that are created in a belief of remembrance are destroyed either by war or deteriorates with time. But a poetry written in praise of someone will last forever, it can't be destroyed even by the god of war Mars. It will outlive time. If a word of praise is written about you, you will be remembered for generations and this words will remain and will proclaim your name. You will not die, or nothing will happen to you till the last day of earth or the Doomsday.
Thus, pen or words that have been written have more power than swords, wars and all the mighty materialistic things.
Hope this helps!
It's well known that materialistic things come to an end, they don't really last forever. All the worldly power, glory and grandeur fade away with the passage of time. All gold plated monuments, statues etc. and beautiful works of masonry that are created in a belief of remembrance are destroyed either by war or deteriorates with time. But a poetry written in praise of someone will last forever, it can't be destroyed even by the god of war Mars. It will outlive time. If a word of praise is written about you, you will be remembered for generations and this words will remain and will proclaim your name. You will not die, or nothing will happen to you till the last day of earth or the Doomsday.
Thus, pen or words that have been written have more power than swords, wars and all the mighty materialistic things.
Hope this helps!
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