English, asked by Anonymous, 1 year ago

on the occasion of women's day, ur School is organizing a speech competition on the Topic - " Empowering the girl child is the best way to empower the nation". on the basis of input given above and ur own ideas, draft the speech.

Please ans it asap
I need a good speech

points:- 50


Answered by Anonymous
Nation's progress is impossible without trained and educated mothers. If the women of my country are not educated, about half of the people will be ignorant"
Napoleon Bonaparte

It is said that "if we educate a man, we educate a man only, but if we educate a women, we educate the whole family". Education plays a major role in the social and economic growth of a nation. A nation can be educated in the real sense of the term, when its entire population is educated. Mostly people think that men's contribution in society is more than women.

But now women are sharing equal responsibility in every field of society. So,female education is important for all round progress of a country. If we want to make democracy successful, woman must be educated. They are the real builders of happy homes.

women education is very important because women are the first teacher of their children. The children receive the very first lessons in their lap. Hence, if mothers are educated, they can perfectly shape and mould their sons and daughters.

Education enhances the intellectual, social and emotional development of women and enables them to meet their basic needs of daily life. It helps in reducing inequalities in the society. An educated mother will have high expectations for her children's educational success and will continuously encourage them to develop high expectations of their own. An educated mother is more likely to have health knowledge ensuring her children receive the proper vaccines for their health and provide healthy meals that are nutritionally beneficial.

Apart from this educated women help to reduce the population of a nation. They also help to reduce child and maternal mortality. They are less likely to be taken advantage of and lowers exposure to domestic abuse. An educated woman has great confidence and enables to take right decisions. All this contributes in a positive way to the society and nation at large.

However, still now the female education is not given much importance in many parts of India. Some of the reasons are dowry, child marriage, caste system and purdah system prevalent in the society. Many people in the rural areas believe that a girl is a 'paraya dhan' and money would be needed during her marriage to be given as dowry. Thus, investing the money for her education is regarded as waste.

Another reason for the deprivation of girl education is the child marriage. It is a great belief of people in India that for a girl it is more important to become genius in household works than getting education. This forces the girl to focus on the household work. At many places the caste system is so strong that the girl of lower caste are not allowed to go to schools where the girls of high caste are studying.

If you look at the percentage of educated people, there is a huge gap b/w male and female literacy rate in India. According to the census 2011. the percentage of literate male is 82.14% and female is 65.46% among the states, the female literacy rate is highest in Kerala and Mizoram with 91.98% and 89.40% receptively whereas lowest in Rajasthan with 52.66%

The reason behind the high literacy rate of Kerala is the modern policies adopted by the governments. The aided-school policy adopted by the EMS Namboodiripad government paved way for private entrepreneurs to start up schools with government aiding. On the other hand the reason for lower literacy rate in a state like Rajasthan is thinking of parents for whom boy's education is more important. The tradition of child marriage prevalent in the state is another factor for such a low rate.

The educated girl can shoulder any kind of, responsibility. See the examples, Kalpana Chawla, Kiran Bedi, Sonia Gandhi and so, everyone has earned a name in the society in our country. Education for a girl child means making the next generation well educated, full of something good for the family, for the society and for the country as a whole. The present day girl is the mother of tomorrow.

She is the most crucial and reverend entity. She must be given all the necessary education. Ignoring her, keeping her illiterate means we are creating an illiterate and ignorant generation. So, it is perfectly true that educating a girl child means educating a family.

Let every girl child educate to kill the demon of gender discrimination in the society

Anonymous: u have written than must be correct ;p
Anonymous: oh! cool! :D
Anonymous: ;p
SidTheNerd: awesome answer
Anonymous: yes really
Anonymous: Thankyou @SidTheNerd
SidTheNerd: hmm anytime....
SidTheNerd: you must have spent a lot of time doing research on this topic , ain't you ? good answer BTW brainliest answer for sure :)
Anonymous: Gr8 answer bro :)
Anonymous: thankyou @Sanjana ^^"
Answered by ans81


India is a signatory to a number of International Instruments such as UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), its two Optional Protocols, and Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of discrimination against Women (CEDAW), thereby affirming its commitment to the growth and development of women and children.

In spite of the various initiatives there is a felt need to raise the consciousness of the society towards the girl child so that she can be valued and respected. It is imperative to bring to centre stage the different problems faced by the girl child and gender sensitization amongst the various sections of society, and help in transforming mind sets towards the girl child. For this purpose it has been decided that a particular day in the year be dedicated to the girl child with emphasis on wide spread sensitization programms on important issues pertaining to her survival, welfare, development and empowerment. The declaration of such a day will be beneficial in focusing attention of the Nation on her well-being and will definitely boost national awareness. The Government has declared January 24 of every year as ‘National Girl Child Day’. This day was specially chosen to commemorate the day when Late Smt. Indira Gandhi was sworn in as the first woman Prime Minister of the country which was a big step towards women’s empowerment. The Ministry of Women and Child Development is initiating a number of projects and activities to highlight the girl child and gender empowerment right from January 24, 2009 to March 8, 2009 which is the International Day for Women.


Hope it will help you


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