On what basis did tsarism claim authority to rule Russia? What people or groups both reinforced and disseminated the idea of tsarist authority?
The October Manifesto
Bearded man in formal dressSergei Witte was the author of the October Manifesto
Sergei Witte was an influential policy maker. He persuaded the Tsar to pass his October Manifesto. Issued in 1905, it promised significant political reform, although most of these promises were open to interpretation:
A Duma (elected national parliament) was to be set up. No law was to be passed unless approved by the Duma.
Censorship would be loosened and more freedom of speech encouraged.
The people would have more rights to gather together for discussions and meetings
Reaction to the manifesto
Reaction from political groups was varied. Liberals were satisfied with the level of reform in the Manifesto. Kadets (rich peasants) wanted reform to go further. They wanted a written constitution and guarantees of a constituent assembly. The Social Revolutionaries (SRs) were critical of the Manifesto, as were the Bolsheviks and Mensheviks. It did not give any more power to the peasants or workers.
As a response to the 1905 Revolution, the October Manifesto succeeded in dividing the opposition, making the Tsar's grip on power more secure.