On what basis does the embryo of cryptogam differ from that of phanerogam
Difference between phanerogams and cryptogams
Phanerogams: Reproductive organs are visible. Well developed reproductive organs.It is also called as flowering plants.It produces flowers and seeds. They have well developed root and shoot systems.Some examples of flowering plants are sunflower,daisy ,hibiscus.They are found in deserts,mountains and rainforests.
Cryptograms: Reproductive organs are hidden. External flowers or seeds are absent. For ex: Algae and fungi.It is also called as primitive plants which does not produce any flowers or seeds.It does not show clearly differentiated roots,stems ,branches,leaves or flowers For ex:Fern,moss, fungus.They are found in shaded and humid places.
Cryptogams :-
Include thallophytes, the bryophytes and the pteridophytes.
they have naked embryos in form of spores.
they are inconspicuous and therfore they are called Cryptogams or those with hidden reproductive organs.
Phanerogams :-
Include gymnosperms and angiosperms.
well differentiated reproductive organs.
seeds may be enclosed or naked , embryos stored food for plants.