On whom does the speaker show complete distrust? Why?
oreover, the study shows that such an analysis can even allow a statistical ... People are taught whom to trust and whom to distrust sometimes even on a ... leads them to trust or distrust total strangers based on this socialization. ... might also reveal, in a broader context, why non-native speakers of English
Distrust1By nature I’m a pretty trusting person. Under normal circumstances I tend to extend trust to others expecting they will reciprocate in kind. If the other person proves to be untrustworthy, then I’ll dial back the level of trust I place in him/her. In relationships where I’ve experienced distrust, I’ve found it usually isn’t caused by one significant breach of trust (although those are the ones that grab our immediate attention), but rather several smaller instances over time. A broken promise here, a missed deadline there, and a pattern of unreliable, unethical, incompetent, or uncaring behavior becomes the trend.
hope it helps✌