On your graduation day you are to deliver a speech for your juniors. Write a speech in 150-200 words on the Importance of hard work in life to achieve goals.
start the speech with their introduction.
the speed should be starting like this
good morning to all the junior students present here. as you all know today is the graduation day for senior students and we will be leaving the school soon I am really happy that I was able to meet all the teachers here. they were all very nice to all of us and to the junior students you all will be promoted to the senior grades next year that's early great news is it but it comes with a great responsibility that you have to work hard so that you can improve your grades because the higher classes are very tough it's not like they are impossible but if you do not study these classes are going to be very hard for you all might have a goal to fulfill in your life which might have a very big importance to you. nothing in the life can be achieved without the hard work and the determination to do it always do hard work it doesn't matter if you are good at a subject you need to be perfect it one day you all will be graduating from here and I want you all to have a big smile on your face and say that we will achieve our goal without hard work I promise that all the students are going to do so we expect the same from your all I would love if one day I would meet you all at a place other than the school and that it will say that we completed the goal that you wanted to achieve and I had worked didn't went in vain. thank you