English, asked by shankernavreti206, 3 months ago

Once a servant carried a letter and basket of mangoes from his master to his master’s daughter. The young lady got the basket and the letter and she found four of the mangoes missing. Then she asked the servant why he had taken four mangoes from the basket. The servant who did not know how to read or write, said, “This is really wonderful! When I asked the master for a message for you, he told me that the letter would tell you everything. On my way to this village I felt very hungry and wanted to eat some of the mangoes. I buried the letter deep in the earth to make sure that it did not see me eating them. After eating four mangoes, I dug the letter out and put it back in the basket. But the letter must have somehow seen me eating the mangoes and it has now told you about it. This is something magical!” If you think about it, there cannot be anything more magical than writing. The simple servant realized its magic, but we do not realize it at all!
Read the passage carefully and answers the following ​


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