Once a thirsty crow ---- looking for water----- could not find any--- lost all hope--- Suddenly--- saw a water pot below --- could see some water----narrow neck ---unable to drink---had an idea..pebbles around----put into the pot---water came up---drank--flew away (yha per-- dash h Fill kre do)
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You don't have to fill the dashes here and these are hyphens not dashes...This is story hint and you have to make a story of this by writing your own words
As follows:-
There was a crow which was very thirsty.He searched for water every where. At last he saw a water pot near a well. He looked inside the pot and found that there was a very little water in the pot. Due to his narrow neck he was unable to drink the water. The crow saw some stones nearby and thought of a plan. He picked up some stones and put them one by one into the pot. The water level in the pot came up. The crow drank the water happily and flew away.
Hope it helps you!
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