Once function is defined it can be called any where in c ?
presume that you mean the main function. Yes, we can define classes (including structs) after main function. A demo:
int main(){}
struct S{};
When we define functions, we can declare the function before the main program and then write the function definition after the main program. I wanted to know if we can do something similar to this when defining structures.
Same applies to classes, you can (forward) declare them before a function, and define after. However, the uses of an incomplete (declared but not defined) classes are quite limited. You can define pointers and references to them, but you cannot create them, or call any member functions. A demo:
struct S; // (forward) declaration of a class
S* factory(); // (forward) declaration of a function
int main(){
S* s = factory(); // OK, no definition required
// s->foo(); // not OK, S is incomplete
// S s2; // not OK
struct S{ // definition of a class
void foo(); // declaration of a member function
S* factory() {
static S s; // OK, S is complete
s.foo(); // OK, note how the member function can be called
// before it is defined, just like free functions
return &s;
void S::foo() {} // definition of a member function