English, asked by anamika851, 9 months ago

Once there was a farmer. His house was on the outskirts of a forest.


Answered by Typhoone


Once upon a time, there was a peasant who, in spite of his poverty, had a small farm, a vegetable garden and a single ox. His very ramshackle farm was made of old boards of wood which mildewed. It had two rooms. The first one was where, formerly, there was the shed which could receive about ten oxen. Now there was only one left because the peasant sold them all but one for a few pennies. The second room was where the peasant slept, ate and washed. There weren't many vegetable in the kitchen garden because the soil was not fertile.

But the peasant made a living of it by selling them to the neighbouring village. This house was located in the middle of a swamp filled with odd animals (it was said that trolls lived in there), and six meters deep mud holes or moving sands which were difficultly spottable. Was the swamp gloomy? Most especially at night. In summer, the swamp was empty and let appear dried seaweeds from fresh water. As it was summer, one could see how this farm floated on water. This house and its vegetable garden did not float, but were arranged on a ground and stone slope which had been built by the peasant. This farm which looked like a cut off house was connected by a pontoon which led to a squeaking gate which acted as a bell. One could also see that the banks of the swamp were surrounded by bushes and trees.

But this house was not free, there were many charges and taxes; the peasant found it difficult to do his accounts. Although his farm was on a cheap ground, he spent almost all his money in food. So, no more money was left to pay for the grounds.

One day, by a beautiful summer day, the king, accompanied by his certified public accountants and his escort, paid him a visit. The peasant told him about his financial standing and his pitiful life.

- I see, I see... But you forgot something; accountant! said the king.

One of his accountants walked towards the peasant and said:

- Indeed you forgot to pay the taxes on the food, those on the ground and those on the right to cultivate the grounds; which gives us a total of eleven thousand crowns!!!

t..that much!!!? cried the peasant.

- Yes as much as that, and even if you sell all what you have. But you still have a last chance: I heard of an object or an animal that could be able to give you what you wish... said the king in an evasive tone.

- All right then; I'll go there immediately... But where is it?

- You'll find it in the desert and you'll have to climb a mountain, but even the most foolish of the insane people would not take the risk, replied the king in laughter.

- Err well, let's say I'm crazy and I will do it, replied the farmer determinately.

- All right then, go ahead but hurry up, I'm already impatient.

Following this discussion the farmer decided to leave during that same night...

As the evening approached, the hours seemed whole days. However he was ready: he had harnessed his cart to his last ox. He had set up a triangular tent stuffed with dry straw and grass. He had dressed warmly and had prepared a light clothing for the summer (one must not believe that it is always hot in a desert). He had also taken a barrel of water he had filled with ice stolen from the cool box of the king. Inside the tent, there was all the necessary equipment: a bunk, a terra cotta chimney, some clothing to change, and books that were hidden under the cart. "So", thought the peasant, "I have enough with all this bric-a-brac."

Finally he decided it was time to leave, and opened the gate. After a while, he took a path edged with trees. Suddenly, the lantern switched off. When he switched it on again, to his great surprise, he was in the desert. On checking on the chart, he saw that the path ended directly in the desert. He tidied his chart, lay down on the bunk and fell asleep.

He woke up a few hours later, it was still night. On leaving the tent to sit down on the driver's bench, he saw a silhouette at a few meters from the cart. The farmer stopped him, and brought forward the lantern to see better. He could see the light of the lantern in the two eyes looking at him. The two eyes that were coming towards him. The peasant cried out.

hope it helsp helps you ❤

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