Once upon a time there lived a prince named Sohansen. He had three friends with special
powers. One of the friends had very long legs. The second friend had very sharp eyes and he
could see very far. He was called Sharp eyes. The third was very fat and he could eat and
drink anything. He was called Big belly. In that land, there lived a beautiful princess. Many
young princes hoped to marry her. But the king, her father, did not want his daughter to
marry at all. He was a magician. He practised magic. So he set three difficult tests. Each day
he would hide the princess at different place. The prince had to find her and then bring back
to the palace. Many princes tried but failed in this test. So the king turned them into donkey
with his magic
complete the story
Once upon a time there lived a prince named Sohansen. He had three friends with special
powers. One of the friends had very long legs. The second friend had very sharp eyes and he
could see very far. He was called Sharp eyes. The third was very fat and he could eat and
drink anything. He was called Big belly. In that land, there lived a beautiful princess. Many
young princes hoped to marry her. But the king, her father, did not want his daughter to
marry at all. He was a magician. He practised magic. So he set three difficult tests. Each day
he would hide the princess at different place. The prince had to find her and then bring back
to the palace. Many princes tried but failed in this test. So the king turned them into donkey
with his magic