English, asked by ramyabandari363, 2 months ago

Once upon a time there was an owl who lived on an oak tree. Every day he observed incidents happening around him. The previous day he observed a young boy helping an old man carry a heavy basket and a young girl shouting at her mother. The owl spoke less and heard more to understand others well. As the days passed, the owl gained much wisdom. All the animals in the jungle started coming to the owl to get their problems solved and everyone started believing that the owl was the wisest creature of the jungle. Therefore the moral of the story is that one should talk less and listen more to become wise and the one who speaks without listening to others is sure to get into trouble.
1) why did the owl speak less and hear more?
2) what did the owl gain as the days passed?
3) what is the moral of the story?


Answered by salimhk2228


ans: owl speak less and hear more to understand others well


ans:as the days passed the owl gained wisdom


ans:the one who speaks less and listen more become wise day by day

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