English, asked by shreyadhanawate, 5 months ago

Once your teacher caught you playing in the class with your classmates during a free
period. You already had a good impression on others. The teacher made his/her own
impression about you. You felt guilty and bad. Write a narrative essay on this.​


Answered by queen7953


big easy



Terminal examinations Fall 2020 (FA20) (Open Book Online Paper)

BS Chemistry / Semester - 1

Aic Chemistry

Time 24 hours


1- Attempt all questions.

2- Answer to the point and use your own words. If you copy word by words from the textbook, internet orf

on her student paper, you will get zero marks.

3- Answer sheet should be handwritten with a blue ink pen.

4- Write your Roll no., name, signature, and page number on every sheet

5- Submk hard copy to paper collection center within submission time. After given time to answer sheet wil

Ibe accepted whatever the reason is

Part-1 (Theory)


(a) Several resonance structures are possible for each of the following ions. For each, draw thes

e resonance structures, assign formal charges, and select the resonance structure likely to provi

de the best description for the ion (12)

1 Selenocyanate, SeCN

Thuofomate on, (HCS0]

A Drocarbonate |S.CO)?

Answered by hitjhp

if you thanked my all answers then I start following you

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