Science, asked by upasana27, 1 year ago

one benefit of bacteria​


Answered by jairambalakrishnan




Medically reviewed by George Krucik, MD, MBA on November 21, 2013 — Written by Amber Erickson Gabbey




What Are Bacteria?

Bacteria, also called germs, are microscopic organisms not visible with the naked eye. Bacteria are everywhere, both inside and outside of your body. Bacteria can live in a variety of environments, from hot water to ice. Some bacteria are good for you, while others can make you sick.

Bacteria are single-celled, or simple, organisms. Though small, bacteria are powerful and complex, and they can survive in extreme conditions. Bacteria have a tough protective coating that boosts their resistance to white blood cells in the body.

Some bacteria have a tail, called a flagellum. The flagellum helps a bacterium to move around. Other bacteria have sticky hair-like appendages that help bacteria them stick to one other, hard surfaces, and human body cells.

There are many bacteria in the human body, especially in the stomach and mouth. Bacteria are found on surfaces and in substances such as water, soil, and food.

What Are the Types of Bacteria?

Bacteria can be aerobic, anaerobic, or facultative anaerobes. These terms describe how they respond to oxygen. Aerobic bacteria need oxygen to live. Anaerobic bacteria will die around oxygen. Facultative anaerobes function best with oxygen but do not need it.

What Are the Benefits of Bacteria?

Some bacteria are good for you, including the bacteria in your digestive system, or gut. These bacteria help to break down food and keep you healthy. Other good bacteria can produce oxygen are used to create antibiotics. Bacteria are used in food production to make yogurt and fermented foods.

The ecosystem relies on bacteria to function properly. For example, bacteria break down dead matter in the environment, like dead leaves, releasing carbon dioxide and nutrients in the process. Without the release of carbon dioxide, plants are unable to grow.

Hope u got this.......

Answered by Pranjal7905

They help in synthesis of essential nutrients and vitamins

It also helps in digestion process

Hope it helps

Thankssss ☺☺❤❤❤❤❤❤❤

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