English, asked by arshkuwhar123, 10 months ago

One day parul witnessed a strange scene at her school . Intially, she could not believe her eyes, but soon she realised that what she saw was the tragic incident which should not have taken place. Actually it so happened that... story writing


Answered by KomalSrinivas

Answer: It was like a normal other day of school when Parul was going to her Chemistry teacher, Mr.Kapil to get her notebook checked from him.

As she enters the chemistry lab she found that Mr.Kapil was taking his class and then suddenly she noticed a sound from the corner of class.

After listening to that sound all the students including Mr.Kapil rushed towards that sound and found that the face of one of the student was badly injured because of some atomic reaction. The student was send to the hospital as early as it could be. After sometime we came to know that the health of the student is fine now but his face was damaged badly and it could never be same as before.

Answered by jefferson7




One day Parul witnessed a strange scene at her school . Intially, she could not believe her eyes, but soon she realised that what she saw was the tragic incident which should not have taken place. Actually it so happened that she had seen her cousin Rahul busy in their garage the previous day.

Rahul claimed that he was making a robot for his school project. Parul seemed nonchalant, she was used to her cousin's odd behaviour.

On this day however, Rahul was sweating and his hands were trembling as held the soldering iron. He had been hired by the Black Panther group to build an explosive device. they had paid him handsomely and Rahul was glad that finally his skills were put to good use.

Rahul had left in a hurry and had forgotten his backpack. He saw Parul leaving the house and he hid behind some shrubs.

Later that morning, he met with his friend Gavin who took the package and paid him one hundred thousand rupees for his efforts. Rahul tried to cajole his friend who was amemeber of the group to reveal their plans.Gavin flatly refused and left in a huff.

The device was planted in Parul's school. The group's objective was to strike at the heart of the free government education. They had been agitating for inclusion but their pleas had fallen on deaf ears.They had later decided that they will make their point using blood and tears.

The explosion left two hundred students dead and scores were injured. Parul woke up in hospital and she was in utter shock.

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