English, asked by sushu8634, 21 days ago

One is lucky if one has good neighbours. Of all the misfortunes that can
befall a man, an unpleasant neighbour is perhaps one of the worst. Life can
become miserable if the neighbours are in the habit of prying into your affairs
and just don't leave you alone. They may call at any unearthly hour; ask you
personal questions; give you sermons; borrow your most expensive gadgets- all
as a matter of right. They never realize how mush inconvenience they are
subjecting others to because of their attitude. If you decide to keep your
distance from them to avoid misunderstanding, then they are likely to indulge
in malicious gossip and character assassination. They take it upon themselves
to be the guardians of your morals and become self-proclaimed judges of your
behaviour and life style. Many a time people have to change their residence
because of their unpleasant neighbours. Blessed is the man who has a gentle,
kind, considerate neighbour!
précis the above mentioned passage​


Answered by cutebrainlystar


{\huge{\boxed{\tt{\color {red}{Answer❀✿°᭄}}}}}

The Constitution of India has provided for a division of powers between the Central and state governments. Under the Seventh Schedule, there are three lists – the Union, State and Concurrent. The Union List has a range of subjects under which the Parliament may make laws.

One is lucky if one has good neighbours. Of all the misfortunes that can

befall a man, an unpleasant neighbour is perhaps one of the worst. Life can

become miserable if the neighbours are in the habit of prying into your affairs

and just don't leave you alone. They may call at any unearthly hour; ask you

personal questions; give you sermons; borrow your most expensive gadgets- all

as a matter of right. They never realize how mush inconvenience they are

subjecting others to because of their attitude. If you decide to keep your

distance from them to avoid misunderstanding, then they are likely to indulge

in malicious gossip and character assassination. They take it upon themselves

to be the guardians of your morals and become self-proclaimed judges of your

behaviour and life style. Many a time people have to change their residence

because of their unpleasant neighbours. Blessed is the man who has a gentle,

kind, considerate neighbour!

précis the above mentioned passage

Answered by THEmultipleTHANKER


The Constitution of India has provided for a division of powers between the Central and state governments. Under the Seventh Schedule, there are three lists – the Union, State and Concurrent. The Union List has a range of subjects under which the Parliament may make laws.

One is lucky if one has good neighbours. Of all the misfortunes that can

befall a man, an unpleasant neighbour is perhaps one of the worst. Life can

become miserable if the neighbours are in the habit of prying into your affairs

and just don't leave you alone. They may call at any unearthly hour; ask you

personal questions; give you sermons; borrow your most expensive gadgets- all

as a matter of right. They never realize how mush inconvenience they are

subjecting others to because of their attitude. If you decide to keep your

distance from them to avoid misunderstanding, then they are likely to indulge

in malicious gossip and character assassination. They take it upon themselves

to be the guardians of your morals and become self-proclaimed judges of your

behaviour and life style. Many a time people have to change their residence

because of their unpleasant neighbours. Blessed is the man who has a gentle,

kind, considerate neighbour!

précis the above mentioned passage

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