One-millionth of a second is .................
A microsecond is an SI unit of time equal to one millionth (0.000001 or 10−6 or 1⁄1,000,000) of a second. Its symbol is μs, sometimes simplified to us when Unicode is not available. A microsecond is equal to 1000 nanoseconds or 1⁄1,000 of a millisecond.
One-millionth of a second is 1 microsecond.
To properly understand this answer, we have to know more about microsecond.
Second and microsecond
- Both, microsecond and second are units for time measurement.
- As the name suggest, microsecond is used for measuring smaller times as compared to second.
We will analyse the the relationship between second and microsecond.
We know that,
1 microsecond = (1 × 10⁻⁶) second
1 microsecond = (1 ÷ 10⁶) second
1 million = 1000000 = 10⁶
Which implies,
1 microsecond is one-millionth part of a second. (we came to this conclusion by comparing 10⁶ and 1 million)
So, microsecond becomes the correct answer to the given question.
Hence, one-millionth of a second is 1 microsecond.