English, asked by manufuturessj, 1 year ago

one minute speech on alien


Answered by sivaarun
Aliens are not far away from us, aliens are not just a inflexible definition for extra earth livings but becoming a fact clearly step by step. For a decades before, human’s insight was cannot penetrate the mastery cloudy to get a well know about outside of our planet. The rapid development of science and technology create the chance for human to move our step a little bit forward through the vast cosmic. Modern probability study reach a conclusion that aliens certainly exist in the universe by careful analysis and calculating. Most of the scientists are now convinced that the aliens almost exist, even though no aliens have been caught or showed yet. One of the most famous scientist who firmly believe the existence of aliens Stephen Hawking announced “aliens almost certainly exist. " to media in 2008. Everyone who know Hawking knows Hawking’s position in cosmos study. This guy put forward many classical definition in cognizing our universe such as “worm hole” “black hole” “curved space-time” etc. Our universe is  very  expansion. The galaxy where we are living in can be ignored in size when compared with the known universe, there are still many unknowns in the universe waiting us to explore. For the vast universe, there are too much probability in every fields to happen. NASA , ESA, CNSA all show great enthusiasm in exploring the signs of life in outer space. The interplanetary navigation device Voyager 1 has already out of the solar system in September 2013, announced by NASA in news release conference. The Hubble telescope try to see the area where many billions light-year far away from earth and take pictures for us. There are two news reported, one is that CNSA is building a new radio telescope which is ever a biggest one in Guizhou province, China, one of his functions is finding the signs of livings from the outer space. The second is that NASA announced the telescope Kapler has found the ever most alike earth planet Kapler-186f, which is 1.1 times as bigger as earth and very probability holds liquid water. Both us and aliens are small things compared with the universe, but we will find where they are, it’s just a business of time. 
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